Hvad er cookies?
En cookie er en tekst fil, der er placeret af en hjemmesides server på din computers browser eller mobile enhed, når du besøger hjemmesiden. Cookien indeholder en unik kode, der tillader genkendelse af din browser under dit besøg på vores hjemmeside (kaldet ”sessions” cookie), eller senere ved gentagne besøg (kaldet ”vedvarende” cookie). Cookies kan placeres af serveren på den hjemmeside du besøger eller af partnere der samarbejder med hjemmesiden.
Cookies gør generelt interaktionen mellem bruger og hjemmesiden nemmere og hurtigere og hjælper brugeren med at navigere mellem de forskellige dele af en hjemmeside. Cookies kan også bruges til at gøre indholdet af eller reklamer på hjemmesiden mere relevante for den besøgende og til at tilpasse den til personlig smag og behov. På denne hjemmeside LLBG bruges nødvendige cookies, funktionelle cookies, analytiske cookies, marketing cookies og cookies fra sociale medier.  
Brug af cookies på hjemmesiden
Nødvendige cookies
Disse cookies er essentielle for at besøge siden og anvende vise dele. Hvis du afviser disse cookies vil visse af hjemmesidens egenskaber ikke fungere.
Funktionelle cookies
Funktionelle cookies er cookies, der faciliteter at hjemmesiden funktionerer og gør det mere fornøjeligt for den besøgende. De sikrer en mere personlig oplevelse på hjemmesiden. For eksempel: cookies der husker dine sprogpræferencer.
Analytiske cookies
Vi burger cookies til at indsamle informationer om brugen af vores hjemmeside, med hensigten at forbedre indholdet, så det stemmer med ønskerne hos brugerne og for at øge anvendeligheden.
Marketing cookies
Dette er cookies, som vi bruger for at tilbyde dig individualiserede og mere relevante reklamer, for at fastslå hvor mange gange en specifik reklame har været vist, for at udregne effektiviteten af en bestemt reklamekampagne, for at spore data om tidligere besøg og for at dele indsamlede data med tredjeparter, såsom annoncører. Disse anvendes på hjemmesiden og placeres på din enhed af trejdeparter.
Cookies fra sociale medier
Cookies fra sociale medier bliver anvendt for at muliggøre integrationen af sociale medier såsom Youtube, Facebok eller Twitter på vores hjemmeside. Uden disse cookies kan du ikke dele artikler på sociale medier eller se visse typer indhold fra disse sider med os.
Cookie håndtering
Du kan indstille din browser, så den notificerer om at en cookies bliver placeret eller for at afbryde indsamlingen af cookies. Hvis du gør det umuligt at placere cookies, så vil nogle af hjemmesidens egenskaber måske ikke fungere, eller også vil du ikke kunne bruge visse service på hjemmesiden.
Vi bruger ikke cookies til at identificere dig personligt og heller ikke til at opbevare personlige informationer uden din viden. Men hvis du ønsker at begrænse, blokere eller slette installationen af cookies på din computer eller mobile enhed, så kan du gøre det i dine browser indstillinger. Gå til hjælp funktionen i din browser. Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål om brugen af cookies eller behandlingen af persondata af LLBG, så kan du læse mere i vores Privatlivspolitik, eller du kan sende en email til privacy@llbg.com.
List of used cookies:
Name cookie Cookie type Purpose Saved information Retention Cookie provider
_gid Analytical cookies This cookie is used by Google Analytics to evaluate the purpose of a user's visit, to create activity logs on websites for website operators and to increase customer satisfaction. In this case, the cookie is used by Google Analytics for advanced user identification. Identification of the specific user on browser level and used device. 24 hours Google
_gat Analytical cookies This cookie is used by Google Analytics to evaluate the purpose of a user's visit, to create activity logs on websites for website operators and to increase customer satisfaction. In this case, the cookie is used by Google Analytics for advanced user identification.   1 minute Google
_utma Analytical cookies This cookie is used by Google Analytics to evaluate the purpose of a user's visit, to create activity logs on websites for website operators and to increase customer satisfaction. In this case, the cookie is used by Google Analytics for advanced user identification.   2 years Google
_utmc Analytical cookies This cookie is used by Google Analytics to evaluate the purpose of a user's visit, to create activity logs on websites for website operators and to increase customer satisfaction. In this case, the cookie is used by Google Analytics for advanced user identification.   During session Google
_utmz Analytical cookies This cookie is used by Google Analytics to evaluate the purpose of a user's visit, to create activity logs on websites for website operators and to increase customer satisfaction. In this case, the cookie is used by Google Analytics for advanced user identification.   6 months Google
_utmt Analytical cookies This cookie is used by Google Analytics to evaluate the purpose of a user's visit, to create activity logs on websites for website operators and to increase customer satisfaction. In this case, the cookie is used by Google Analytics for advanced user identification.   30 minutes Google
_utmb Analytical cookies This cookie is used by Google Analytics to evaluate the purpose of a user's visit, to create activity logs on websites for website operators and to increase customer satisfaction. In this case, the cookie is used by Google Analytics for advanced user identification.   30 minutes Google
fr Functional Cookies Facebook's primary advertising cookie, used to deliver, measure and improve ad relevancy. User & browser ID; Time stamp; miscellaneous other data 90 days Facebook
oo Functional Cookies Used to capture ad opt-outs 1 or 0 5 years Facebook
ddid Functional Cookies
Used to open a specific location in an advertiser's app after installation
Object ID and app ID 28 days Facebook
bs_mop_u3s Functional Cookies MediaMath uses these cookies for advertisers that intend to buy ads on certain supply sources. They contain an Advertiser ID and timeout information. Advertiser ID & extra information 30 days Mediamath
mt_misc Functional Cookies MediaMath uses this cookie to hold attributes about the browser for fraud prevention and other technical optimizations. Browser info to prevent fraud 30 days Mediamath
mt_mop Functional Cookies MediaMath uses this cookie to synchronize the visitor ID with a limited number of trusted exchanges and data partners Synchronizes info with visitor ID 30 days Mediamath
UUID Functional Cookies Unique trackingnumber Unique ID 30 days Mediamath
UUIDC Functional Cookies Hash domain (url coming from) Hashed Domain 30 days Mediamath
PREF Functional Cookies
Used to save visitor preferences
Language & extra value 8 months Youtube (Google)
YSC Functional Cookies Is placed on pages where Youtube videos are included Unique ID During session Youtube (Google)
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Functional Cookies Used to determine the visitor's bandwidth. Unique ID 6 months Youtube (Google)
CONSENT Functional Cookies Is placed when the visitor is logged into other Google platforms. Consent + language + version 20 years Google
LOGIN_INFO Functional Cookies Used to keep track of login information at Google services Hash of user info 2 years Google
SID Functional Cookies Used to identify a user and keep track of login information at Google services Encrypted Google-account ID 2 years Google
HSID Functional Cookies Used to identify a user and keep track of login information at Google services Encrypted most recent login time 2 years Google
SSID Functional Cookies Used to identify a user and keep track of login information at Google services Unique ID 2 years Google
APISID Functional Cookies Used to identify a user and keep track of login information at Google services Unique ID 2 years Google
SAPISID Functional Cookies Used to identify a user and keep track of login information at Google services Unique ID 2 years Google
NID Functional Cookies
Used to save visitor preferences
Unique ID 6 months Google